
45 Best Hawaii Puns to Have a Great Laugh

Are you a fan of puns? I must say I mostly hate them because they are often really bad! But, sometimes…they are genius! Whether you’re a fan of palm trees, surfboards, or some hula dancing, there’s something special about the playful spirit of Hawaii that lends itself perfectly to puns. So, sip on some coconut water, grab a lei, and let’s have some pun fun in the sun with these Hawaii puns!

Hawaii puns

In this photo about Hawaii puns, you can see a bird's eye shot of a tropical beach with a crystal-clear blue sea. The beach is surrounded by swaying palm trees.

Hanauma Bay, a tropical beach in Hawaii

Hawaii is one of the most dreamy destinations in the US. Located in the central Pacific Ocean, this archipelago lies about 2400 miles (3860 kilometers) from California.

It’s pretty expensive to get to, especially if you are coming from Europe but it’s absolutely worth it. The Hawaiian culture that evolves around ‘Aloha’, the natural beauty and amazing underwater life is simply breathtaking. 

Furthermore, sustainability is of great importance to the Hawaiian locals. Honululu has been recognized as one of the greenest cities in the US and sunscreen with harmful chemicals has been banned on the islands to protect marine life.

But overtourism is a thing on Hawaii and there’s still a long way to go. Look for ethical experiences and stay with locals when you visit Hawaii as a conscious traveler.

That said, this is supposed to be a funny post. So here we go with the best Hawaii puns! Enjoy!

It’s time to lei down and relax.
I think I shell in love with Hawaii.
Tropic like its hot!
Whale, hello there!
Would it be maui-dness to have another cocktail?
Don’t be koi, say aloha!
Shore thing, Hawaii is paradise.
I’ve got a case of the hula blues.
Hawaii is so turtle-y beautiful.

Hawaii puns for Instagram

In this photo, you can see a spine-like structure of mountains covered with lush greenery. You can see the ocean in the background.

Kaneohe, Hawaii, US

What’s up, beaches!
Seas the day!
Let’s hula over to Hawaii!
Feeling fin-tastic in Hawaii.
Flip-flop till I drop.
Keep palm and carry on.

Short Hawaii Puns

In this photo, you can see a mountain ocean trail leading through lush forest. The sky is pale blue with a few clouds.

Napali Coast State Wilderness Park, Kauai, Hawaii

Hawaii rocks
Tiki-ing it easy.
Shell yeah!
Poké me.
Whale done!
Yeah, Poi!

Funny Hawaii puns

In this Hawaii puns photo, you can see a dark beige-colored beach and blue ocean with rolling waves. There are a few surfers in the water and in the background are lush green mountains.

Northern beaches, Oahu, Hawaii

Getting leid in Hawaii
It’ll be an Honolulu to have you there
Let’s get ship-faced.
I invite you to Kamehameha to my party!
Let’s play some poke-r!
You’re the pineapple of my eye.

Clever Hawaiian puns

Turtle in the waters around Oahu in Hawaii.

Turtle in the waters around Oahu

I lava Hawaii
Hawaii Met Your Mother
Oh, poi. Are you sure you want to Maui this woman?
Let’s shell-ebrate in Hawaii.

Aloha puns

In this photo about Hawaii puns, you can see lush greenery with a mountain range in the background. A small but high waterfall is trickling down the rocks.

Waipi’o Valley, big Island, Hawaii

Feeling aloha-ver the moon!

I’m re-aloha-cating to Hawaii.

I’m aloha-tally loving these tropical vibes.

Aloha-pened to my sunscreen? 

Let’s not be aloha-lone, we can hula together!

Feeling aloha-verwhelmed by the beauty of these islands.

Luau puns

In this photo, you can see the coastline of Honolulu. Highrise buildings and boats are dotting the shore.

Honolulu, Hawaii

I’m luau-ed with love for Hawaii

I’m feeling hawaii-mazing at this luau!

Lei-ing it all out at the luau tonight!

Let’s Luau-nch our weekend in Hawaii!

It’s luau or never!

Feeling luau-tstanding at this party.

Let’s luau-vercome any worries and just have fun.

This party is a luau-vely gathering!

Hawaii puns conclusion

In this photo about Hawaii puns, you can see the beach of Waianae. In the background is a mountain range, the sky is clear and the ocean bright blue.

There you go! I hope you enjoyed this list with Hawaii puns! Let me know in the comments below if you know any other Hawaii puns and I’ll be happy to include them too! 

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or drop me a message through my contact page

Also, don’t forget to check out my resources page with my favorite booking platforms and tips to start planning your trip. Additionally, have a look at my favorite travel gear if you want to pack even more consciously!

Fancy some more puns?

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travelers and dreamers

Hi! I am Annelies and this is Travelers & Dreamers, a blog about conscious travel which means traveling in a more mindful way, with a positive impact on the world and yourself!

On this website, I cover different topics like slow travel, plant-based food guides, responsible travel, sustainable packing, eco-travel, and more!

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