Ericeira, Portugal

HI There!

Maybe we are a match?

Travelers & Dreamers is a conscious travel blog on a mission to inspire vegan, sustainable, and slow travel practices around the world.
Tourism can be a force for good. Unfortunately, many travelers often engage in travel practices that are far from sustainable like feeding wild animals, riding elephants, or consuming large amounts of plastic in enormous waist-generating cruise ships or large hotel chains.
With Travelers & Dreamers, I want to help my readers make more sustainable choices while traveling so they can reduce their negative impact on the environment, protect endangered wildlife and support local communities while making their travels a profound, authentic, and meaningful experience.
Are you a brand that shares the same values? Then I’m excited to work with you!

What can I do for you?

Destination Marketing

Are you a tourism board looking to promote a certain destination? Or a brand, tour agency, or hotel trying to gain more visibility? Get in touch so we can discuss the needs of your brand/destination and put together a campaign that works.

Reviews and giveaways

Looking for a product review? Or to collaborate for a giveaway? Get in touch and let’s discuss the details!

Sponsored posts

Sponsor a post and get directly in front of my audience that shares the same values as your brand.

Freelance writing

In need of a guest writer or ghostwriter for your website, blog, publication, or magazine? Contact me so we can discuss topics and rates.


Do our values align and do you think we are a great match? Get in touch to see how we can build a long-term, mutually beneficial partnership.
Praia de Sao Lourenço near Ribamar, Ericeira, Portugal

Who reads Travelers & Dreamers?


Female: 60%
Male: 40%


United States: 14,5 %
UK: 11 %
Georgia: 6 %
Germany: 5%
The Netherlands: 5%


18-24: 25%
25-34: 35%
35-44: 18%


Fabian from WAYKS: “We had the pleasure of collaborating with Annelies from Travelers & dreamers since 2022 and are more than happy with the results. Annelies combines creativity and writing skills with an authentic love for our products. She published a wonderful review article about our Globetrotter Bundle after visiting our production factory and regularly refers new customers to us. Annelies is a professional, prompt in communication, and has a genuine connection with her audience. We can highly recommend working with her.”

Paulina from Merz B. Schwanen:“”We loved collaborating with Annelies for the Travelers & Dreamers blog for her honest and authentic review of our products.Annelies took her time to research the brand and wrote an in-depth article about the brand.Furthermore, she included our flagship store in her post on top 10 locations for sustainable shopping in Berlin which is a popular guide for conscious travelers. Thank you, Annelies!”

DO you think we are a match?

You can email me directly at or via the form below to obtain my media kit!  

Photo credits © Femke Leemans